Toru worked closely with colleagues and clients at the DDB Mudra Group to build a body of work that showcases the power of insightful strategy, brought alive with creative flair.
As custodian of the DDB Mudra Group's trend-spotting practice, Toru developed an expertise in collecting dots and connecting them. Not only did the body of micro-evidence her team collected grow into the largest of its kind in DDB’s global network (20,000 + data points at last count), it was also translated into actionable intelligence.
The trend-spotting practice fueled plug & play innovation workshops for clients, blue-sky creative brainstorms, company-wide training sessions and thought-leadership initiatives.
Integrated Thinking
Toru led strategy on DDB Tribal, a bespoke unit designed to own strategic and creative solutions across traditional and digital media for J&J India’s consumer brands.
The consumer journey was a particular area of interest for strategists. When anchored in insights and made ‘three-dimensional’ through an understanding of the consumer’s life-stage and media-consumption behaviors, it became central to campaign development and deployment.
It’s an approach that’s been effective and creatively exciting. It also formed the basis for integrated thinking across diverse business units, propelling successful new business initiatives.