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Clean & Clear

Toru worked closely with colleagues and clients at the DDB Mudra Group to build a body of work that showcases the power of insightful strategy, brought alive with creative flair.





Successfully launching and growing in a country where natural ingredients trump scientific formulation

Doubling down on efficacy, knowing that product use would build preference 

We focused on and deepened our connection with a specific audience - pre-teens and teens experiencing transformations in their lives and their skin. 


Clean & Clear was the brand that could grow with them (high-energy communication featuring rap stars and casting calls for models), go with them (travel packs, face-wipes) and keep their skin glowing (proven oil-clearing, pimple-busting credentials).


Not only did this create familiarity, it also brought older women (and even men) seeking effective cleansing into our fold.

  • A brand that’s a byword for teen skin and teen life  

  • Market share that’s second only to the longtime category leader, Himalaya  

  • Benchmark growth - India has firmly positioned itself as the largest market for C&C outside the USA

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